

Data Protection and
Information Management


Higher Education
Policy Affairs

International Affairs


Teaching and


Public Relations

Social Affairs


For a fairer way of living together!

General Information

Hi, we are the anti-discrimination department. Our main task is to provide initial and referral counseling for students who have experienced discrimination. We want your studies to be a positive time without discrimination and psychological stress. We do not have fixed consultation hours, but offer individual appointments by appointment to talk about your experiences and possible support. Get in touch with us – we are here for you!

Our Services

  • Initial and referral consulting
  • A sympathetic ear
  • Writing (complaint) emails, communicating with teachers, etc.
  • Support for change of status with dgti supplementary ID card

Data Protection and Information Management

Does not see the Internet as Neuland

General Information

As contact persons for technical matters, we primarily support committee members and take care of the student body’s system administration. We manage the AStA’s wiki, Moodle and website presence as well as the account administration for Mail, Element and WordPress. We are also your contact persons for data protection in the AStA, create and update data protection guidelines and offer training for our departments. If you have any questions, we are always there for you!

Our Services

  • Advice on data protection issues
  • Administration of student IT systems


The cornerstone of student finance

General Information

The student body has money to support student projects/events and we process the accounts for these.

We are your point of contact if you want to submit an application to the student body committees (FSRs, AStA, StuPa) and have questions about it or want to settle an approved application.

Our Services

  • Financing student projects
  • Preparation of the budget
  • Processing financial applications
  • Financial advice for committees and initiatives

Our Partners

Higher Education Policy Affairs

Always at the heart of the matter – The mission: representing your interests

General Information

The Department of Higher Education Policy Affairs deals with the semester ticket and student concerns that are expressed to the university management, politicians, the Studierendenwerk and other external stakeholders. We act as an interface between you and players at Berlin political level. As a member of the LAK (LandesAstenKonferenz), we unite our voice with that of the other Berlin universities and act as the representative of the Berlin student body.

Our Services

  • Semester ticket
  • Representation of the HTW student body internally (e.g. university management, academic self-administration) and externally (e.g. administrative board of the student union, LAK)

International Affairs

Your supporters on your journey around the world

General Information

Welcome to the International Affairs Office of the AStA! Whether you are planning a stay abroad, are an Erasmus student, exchange student or an international student – we are here for you.

Do you have any questions, would you like to network, are you interested in what our university has to offer, would you like a certificate for your language training and financial support, or would you like to plan or take part in cool events?

If you have any questions, ideas or feedback, you can also send us an e-mail at any time. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Remember to tell us exactly what you need, what you are planning and which campus you are at.

Office hours / meetings by appointment

Our Services

  • Refund language certificates
  • Planning a stay abroad
  • Advice with the HTW, scholarships and funding
  • Advice on living in Berlin, your stay, everyday life with other students, networking on campus, etc.
  • Events in and around Berlin


Events for everybody!

General Information

We mainly organize events. Our aim is to bring students together with various activities such as billiards, bowling or bar nights and to facilitate an exchange in a relaxed atmosphere. We are convinced that differences are good and exciting, so we are always happy when students from different degree programs or people from outside our university come to the events.

Our Services

Teaching and Studies

Your way through the bureaucratic university madness

General Information

We are the Department for Teaching and Studies and your point of contact for all questions relating to your studies. We are always up to date on university commissions and their plans and are experts in study law and student counseling. Whether you need help with exam or assessment questions or are looking for support with other study-related issues – we are here for you and are on hand to provide advice and support!

Our Services

Our Partners

  • Many offices of the university’s internal administration and committees
  • Our AStA’s own legal team


Because there is no Planet B

General Information

Would you like to exchange ideas and network with like-minded people? Or do you have your own ideas for activities to make our university life more sustainable? Then get in touch with us!

Our Services

  • Organization of events related to sustainability
  • Advice on sustainability issues

Our Partners

Public Relations

Promoter of your initiatives and events

General Information

We take care of all topics that have to do with the communication of the AStA and the student body! We are the central point for promoting student events and news. Whether via web, social media or print – we support students in all media matters. Do you have questions about our channels or need help with public relations? Get in touch with us and we will be at your side.

Our Services

  • Implementation of advertising campaigns (own and commissioned work)
  • Consultation on advertising, communication and media regards
  • Contact for press inquiries

Social Affairs

Your support – alongside your studies

General Information

Cryptic disputes with authorities and offices or bad news in your own letterbox? In our free legal advice service, our lawyers will tell you how you can take action. Please describe the relevant facts and send us any documents/evidence so that our lawyers can identify and deal with the problem. For other issues and problems, we can arrange an individual meeting to find a solution together. In this way, we can help you in the best possible way.

Our Services

  • Advice and legal assistance
  • Arranging legal advice from our lawyer
  • Arranging assistance with BAföG matters
  • Assistance in emergency situations

Our Partners

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