

Legal and Social Counseling

Other Services


An important aspect of the AStA is the fact that, alongside the student parliament (StuPa) and the student councils (FSRs), we are one of the bodies that can financially support the student body in a wide variety of projects. Whether it’s an initiative, individual project or event: submit an application and let us realize your project. Typical services are for example:

Legal and Social Counseling

An equally important part of the AStA are our counseling and support services of all kinds. Our departments for teaching and studies, social affairs and anti-discrimination, as well as our own team of lawyers, are there to provide the best possible support for your concerns. Whether it’s problems with BAföG, exams, theses or personal matters. We are here to help. That’s what sets us apart:

Other Services

Of course, there are many other topics and concerns that we as AStA support and actively shape. Be it our political commitment beyond the university boundaries, our commitment to sustainable projects of all kinds or the events we regularly organize – to name just a few other concerns. We are always there when it comes to improving and supporting student life. You can find out more about our departments on the departments page and find out exactly what we do.

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