Funding for student projects

Are you planning an event or a project and are looking for financial support? We can help you! On this page we explain how you can submit an application and what you need to take into account.

AStA Finances: Where it all connects

The AStA Finance Department is our central office where all student finances are managed. Whether it’s student initiatives, event financing, projects, funding for language certificates or other matters: Our team will help you with your concerns.

Our office hours

Every Monday 14:00 – 18:00
Campus WH B.KB101 (Kopfbau 1st floor, end of the left corridor)
Also possible as an online option

Please let us know in advance so that we can best prepare for your request. To register, you can use our contact form under the “Get in touch now” button.

How do I submit an application?

If you want to receive financial support for your project from the student body (i.e. from the FSRs, the AStA or the StuPa), the process follows a regulated course.

First, you fill out a so-called “application template”. In this document, you explain what it is about and what expenses are planned. For individual items over 100 EUR, you need three comparative offers, which you should submit together with the application.

Once this application template is filled out, you send it to your FSR and present it to them at their next meeting. If your FSR is not active or other reasons prevent the presentation there, you can come to the next AStA meeting instead and present your request there. Please also send your application template to the AStA before their next meeting.

If your application template exceeds the sum of 1000 EUR, you must “skip” your FSR and the AStA and contact the StuPa directly.

My application has been approved.
What happens next?

That depends on what you decided at the meeting. There are two ways you can get financial support: one is through the payment order and the other is through the advance payment application.

The payment order (”Auszahlungsanordnung”, Form F1) is the “normal” way, which you have to choose in most cases. Here you submit the application for an item or expense that you want to make, then pay for the item with your own money and then get the expense reimbursed with the payment order.

However, some expenses are so high that normal students cannot pay them in advance themselves. For this there is the advance payment application (”Vorschussantrag”, Form F2). Here, too, you submit the application for an item or expense that you want to make, but then get the money transferred in advance, which you can then use to make the expense. Then, as with the payment order, you have to settle your expenses using Form F1.

The difference is who pays in advance first; either you or the AStA.

And in summary?

Nicely put together as a flowchart, the entire process looks like this:

Our financial forms

You can find all the financial forms you may need when dealing with student finances here:

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